Houses with a sea view for sale

Illustration of houses by the sea

They say sea air increases your quality of life by 150 million per cent (don’t google that we made it up, but it’s definitely really nice). If you’re daydreaming of opening your curtains in the morning to a picturesque sea view, look no further.

Houses with a sea view


They say sea air increases your quality of life by 150 million per cent (don’t google that we made it up, but it’s definitely really nice). If you’re daydreaming of opening your curtains in the morning to a picturesque sea view, look no further.

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The UK has beautiful and diverse beaches, ports, cliffsides and coast lines. And you don’t need to go far out of big cities to get to your watery idyll, with cities like Margate, Crosby and Brighton continuing to offer brilliant beachy buying opportunities.

Pier and lighthouse

Yes! Though seaside towns are stereotyped as holiday destinations, they’re also great options for full time living.

Fresh air, coastal views, swimming options and a community feel: these are all the benefits you can expect from seaside living. Around 5.3 million people live in coastal towns in England and Wales, 3.5 million of whom live in seaside towns (anywhere with a beach or visitor attractions).

Research conducted by Halifax has stated that the average price of a house by the sea is £287,087, which is on average around £22,000 more than 2 years prior.
The seaside is anywhere that is on the coast. A seaside holiday, or seaside resort tends to have particular amenities such as fairgrounds and other seaside tourist attractions. Some examples of popular seaside towns include Brighton, Margate, Deal, Bamburgh, and Weymouth in Dartmoor. Simply head north, south, east or west from your current location and you’re guaranteed to find the UK seaside.
There are lots of types of houses by the seaside, but the most popular are terraced houses and semi detached properties. Terraced houses are a very recognisable feature of lots of British seaside towns, with destinations like Brighton having Victorian crescents with terraced houses curving in a graceful white slope. They are mainly split into flats, which benefit from the large feature windows and period flooring.
Seaside houses are not just second homes, or holiday homes. 3.5 million currently live in seaside areas, which is indicative of their popularity.

No, seaside towns are not just for older people. In fact, there is lots of appeal for houses for young sharers and couples by the sea. Some seaside towns are becoming particularly popular with young, fashionable types. So if you’re into craft beer and latté art you might consider somewhere like Ramsgate, Deal or Crosby.

Older people may also be attracted to the benefits of coastal life - fresh air, nice coffee, nice gentle walks, lots of local shops.

A sea view adds on average £21k to the house, Meaning if you’re deciding on a house, not only will a sea view brighten up your mood, but your bank account too!
Coastal homes are brilliant for families. The sea view and air is said to be brilliant for children and adults’ long term health, plus there are lots of fabulous activities to be done - swimming, crabbing, surfing, fishing and so much more. Families may also find they can get more bang for their buck by the sea, which is particularly important with children as the more space you can get for your money the better!

Seaside towns have traditionally had very high crime rates in the UK. This is because seaside towns used to be docks with high trade rates, and therefore lots of crime. However there has been a large effort to swing this trend the other way, with injections of money dotted around seaside towns.

The other main disadvantage of seaside living is the inability to travel - getting to and from work and school can be stressful if you live in a remote area (unless you’re a fisherman of course!) It’s worth factoring travel time and costs in before you make any big decisions.

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