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What’s the average estate agent commission in the UK?

How much should a UK estate agent charge? Here's our guide to the average estate agent commission, how much estate agents costs, and how Strike can sell for free.


Estate agent commission UK

When it comes to selling your home, you might find that estate agent commissions are one of the biggest expenses you run into. In fact, estate agent fees can run into the thousands and, sometimes, even tens of thousands. That’s because paying an estate agent commission in the UK is the way that houses have been sold for hundreds of years — and it’s not cheap. 

A traditional estate agent takes a percentage of the overall sale — which, as we’ll get into, we think is a really out-of-date way of doing things and, well, just not really fair. So how much is an estate agent commission in the UK? And how much should estate agents actually charge? We’ll talk you through it.

What is the average UK estate agent commission in 2023?

Let’s start with the basics: How much do estate agents in the UK actually charge? The truth is, it can vary. Anywhere from .75% up to 3% wouldn’t be unheard of, but the average estate agent commission in the UK is 1.18%+VAT  — which works out to 1.42% including VAT. So for a £300,000 home, that would be £4,260.

Phew — that is a lot of cash.  But the amount an estate agent charges may not always be the number you’re initially quoted. Traditional estate agent fees are negotiable, so if you have an estate agent over to do a viewing and they quote you, say, 1.75%, it’s definitely worth trying to talk them down. This is especially true if your property is more expensive — agents may be willing to take a lower percentage on a £500,000 home than they would on a £200,000 home.  That being said, we don’t think the commission model is a fair way to sell — and we think you should always have the option of selling your home for free. (More on that later.)

What is included in an estate agent commission?

If you’re forking out all of that cash, what do you actually get in return? Well, we don’t think it’s enough. But there are a few things that should always be included in that price.

A traditional estate agent commission should include: 

  • A valuation of your property

  • A listing — including floorplans, photos, and a written description

  • Advertising on major property portals, like Rightmove and Zoopla

  • Contacting any buyers they know

  • A “For Sale” board

  • Managing and hosting viewings

  • Negotiating the best price for you 

  • Looking at the buyer’s financial status

  • Liaising with solicitors and surveyors through to completion

So although there are a lot of things you should expect a traditional agent to do, we think thousands of pounds is still a lot of money to pay for these services. In fact, we think you should only pay for the services you need and keep the rest of that money in your pocket. We’ll talk you through those options later, for now let’s look at how you can talk your estate agent down, if you do want to go the traditional route.

How can I haggle with an estate agent commission?

As we said, you don’t have to take the first quote from an agent as the final price. Haggling is always an option. 

There are a few different ways you can haggle down a traditional estate agent commission: 

  • Get quotes from multiple agents 

  • Use your property price (estate agents will often take a lower commission on a more expensive property) 

  • Suggest a sliding scale, based on how close they get to your desired price

There are lots of other things you should consider when looking at estate agent commissions (including hidden fees to look out for and how to talk them down) — which is why we actually have a full guide to estate agent fees if you want to learn more.

How much does an estate agent make per sale in the UK?

Ah, that’s a tricky one. So every sale is different — and every commission is different. But if we take the average commission as 1.42% and the average house price, which according to the Office for National Statistics is £295,000, we can work out that the average UK estate agent commission would fall around £4,189 — in other words, an eye-watering amount of money. 

We just don’t think that’s fair. And in fact, it’s less fair the more expensive your home is. Imagine your home is worth £500,000 — do you really feel like an estate is doing £7,100 worth of work? And imagine having a million pound home (we know, most of us will really have to stretch our imaginations for this), you’d be paying £14,200 for the privilege of someone showing people around. Fourteen. Thousand. Pounds. It’s a lot to swallow.

Do I have to pay an estate agent commission?

So, if estate agent commissions are so expensive, why pay them? Well, ultimately it’s your decision. It’s your home, it’s your sale, and you need to do what’s right for you. But we like to provide an alternative to paying by commission — in fact, we like to provide an alternative to paying at all. That’s why we’ll sell your home for free. We give you everything you need to sell your home, including a listing on Zoopla, for free. Estate agent fees have been too high for too long, and we’re looking to change that. 

We have optional extras, but you only use what you want, if you want. Want enhanced photos and hosted viewings? We can do that. Want a premium Rightmove listing? We’ve got you. Want to sell your home for absolutely, 100% free? We’ll do that too. We really do think it should be your choice.

What’s the long story short on estate agent commissions in the UK? Well, they’re hefty — anywhere from 0.75% to 3% plus VAT, but they tend to fall around the 1.5% mark, including VAT. You can (and should) negotiate, and you should always keep your eye out for hidden fees. Or you could just use an easier, more transparent way to sell — a model that keeps you from shouldering thousands in high fees. But that’s just us.

Estate agent commission UK FAQs

An estate agent commission is how traditional estate agents charge to sell your home. It’s normally between .75% and 3% of the sale price, plus VAT. The average falls at somewhere around 1.5%.